Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Isu pembuangan bayi semakin hangat diperkatakan pada hari ini. Masalah ini tidak boleh dipandang rendah kerana ia boleh menjejaskan negara kerana remaja merupakan tunggak negara pada masa akan datang. Jika remaja terlalu memikirkan keseronokan dan mengikut hawa nafsu semata-mata negara bakal menghadapi masalah negara yang besar. Hari ini, isu pembuangan bayi berada di tahap yang sangat membimbangkan dan semua pihak telah mula membincangkan hal ini sehingga kerajaan telah melancarkan kempen ”Kami Perhatin” pada 22 Mac lalu oleh Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita Keluarga dan Masyarakat, ekoran kes pembuangan bayi yang semakin serius. Statistik pembuangan bayi menunjukkan 407 kes pembuangan bayi dilaporkan sejak 4 tahun lalu.

Kita di Malaysia juga telah dimalukan dengan penonjolan kes pembuangan bayi luar nikah dikalangan remaja kita. Semua ini bukanlahsumbangan yamg membanggakan bagi dunia moden. Islam menekankan bahawa niat dan cara perlu betul, niat kena ikhlas dan cara kena mengikut syariat. Syariat mengharamkan zina. Nabi kita bersabda, selepas dosa syirik kepada Allah S.W.T, tidak ada dosa yang lebih besar daripada seseorang meletakkan air maninya k faraj yang tidak halal baginya!( hadis riwayat Ahmad &Thabrani).

Gejala pembuangan bayi berpunca daripada kurang didikan agama menyebabkan tiada benteng keimanan dalam diri mereka sehingga mereka sanggup melakukan seks luar nikah secara rela. Kedua, disebabkan oleh kurangnya pengawasan ibu bapa. Kurangnya kasih sayang daripada ibu bapa menyumbang kepada gejala zina seterusya pembuangan bayi yang tidak berdosa. Ketiga, disebabkan oleh kecanggihan teknologi. Teknologi menyebabkan remaja mudah mendapatkan bahan-bahan lucah seperti internet, majalah dan sebagainya.

Pesalah yang membuan bayi sepatutnya dikenakan hukuman yang berat, setimpal dengan kesalahan yang mereka lakukan. Mengikut Akta Kanak-kanak 2001( child Act)- Akta 611: seksyen 17- Anak yang dibuang akan dilindungi dan dijaga. Seksyen 46-Ibu bapa boleh mendapatkan bantuan atau nasihat mengenai anak mereka yang tidak dapat dikawal dengan baik. Anak ini akan ditahan, ditempat yang dibenarkan di bawah kuasa mahkamah. Dibawah rang undang-undang jenayah Malaysia sesiapa yang menbuang bayi, akan dikenakan hukuman penjara selama 20 tahun.

Di dalam hal ini, kami berpendapat bahawa hukuman pembuangan bayi perlu dikaji kerana jika dilihat mereka seperti tidak mengendahkan hukuman yang sedia ada. Mereka langsung tiada perasaan belas kasihan terhadap bayi yang tidak berdosa ini. Sebagai contoh, mereka sanggup membuang bayi ditempat-tempat seperti lubang tandas, tong sampah dan menanam hidup-hidup sehingga terdapat satu kes dimana tangan bayi digonggong oleh anjing. Dimanakah nilai-nilai kemanusiaan yang sepatutnya ada dalam diri setiap individu?

Pada pendapat kami kes pembuangan bayi yang membawa kepada kematian ini layak disamakan dengan kes pembunuhan kejam dan sepatutnya dikenakan hukuman gantung sampai mati. Manakala bagi pesalah yang membuang bayi tetapi bayi tersebut masih hidup, mereka boleh dikenakan hukuman sedia ada. Dalam hal ini, selalunya kaum wanita sahaja yang dipersalahkan dan dipersoalkan. Manakala kaumlelaki terlepas begitu sahaja. Seharusnya kedua-dua mereka perlu diheret kemuka pengadilan agar masalah pembuangan bayi dapat dibendung dan menjadi iktibar kepada remaja lain.

Kesimpulannya kesemua pihak termasuk kerajaan, badan bukan kerajaan (NGO), dan masyarakat perlu memainkan peranan masing-masing agar masalah pembuangan bayi dapat di kurangkan. Mengikut Mufti Selangor Datuk Tamyes Abdul Wahib meminta masyarakat mengubah persepsi ” menjaga tepi kain orang” daripada negatif ke positif bagi membanteras gejala pembuangan bayi. Daripada hadis Abu Huraira, Nabi SAW bersabda bermaksud ”Setiap yang masuk ke dalam syurga memperlihatkan kepadanya tempat diamnya dalam neraka seandainya dia melakukan kesalahan, supaya dengan itu, bertambah dengan syukurnya kepada ALLAH SWT. Setiap orang yang masuk ke neraka diperlihatkan kepadanya tempat diamnya pada syurga seandainya dia melakukan perbuatan baik, supaya dengan itu timbul penyelesaiannya.” (Hadis riwayat Bukhari)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong on April 7th, 1954. His parents, Charles and Lee-lee Chan named him Chan Kong-sang which means "born in Hong Kong." Jackie weighed 12 pounds when he was born and his mother required surgery to deliver him. Jackie's parents were so poor that they had to borrow money from friends to pay the doctor.

Although Jackie's parents were poor, they had jobs at the French embassy in Hong Kong. Charles was a cook and Lee-lee was a housekeeper.Jackie Chan family lived on Victoria Peak in Hong Kong. When Jackie was young, his father would wake him early in the morning and together they would practice kung fu. Charles Chan believed that learning kung fu would help build Jackie's character, teaching him patience, strength, and courage.

When Jackie was seven years old Charles took a job as the head cook at the American embassy in Australia. He fell that it would be best for Jackie to stay behind in Hong Kong to learn a skill and so enrolled him in the China Drama Academy where Jackie would live for the next 10 years of his life.

During Jackie's time at the school, he learned martial arts, acrobatics, singing, and acting. The school was meant to prepare boys for a life in the Peking Opera. Chinese opera was very different from any other of opera. It included singing, tumbling, and acrobatics as well as martial arts skills and acting. Students at the school were severely disciplined and were beaten if they disobeyed or made mistakes. It was a very harsh and difficult life but Jackie had nowhere else to go, so he stayed. He rarely saw his parents for many year.

While at the China Academy, Jackie made his acting at age eight in the Cantonese movie "Seven Little Valiant Fighters: Big and Little Wong Tin Bar." He later team with other opera students in a performance group called "The Seven Little Fortunes." Fellow actors Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao were also members. Years later the three would work together and become known as The Three Brothers. Jackie got older he worked as a stuntman and an extra in the Hong Kong film industry.

When Jackie was 17, he graduated from the China Drama Academy. Unfortunately the Chinese opera was no longer very popular, so Jackie and his classmates had to find other work. This was difficult because at the school they were never taught how to read or write. The only work available to them was unskilled labor or stunt work. Each year many movies were made in Hong Kong and there was always a need for young, strong stuntmen. Jackie was extraordinarily athletic and inventiveJackie Chan would try anything. Soon he was in demand.

Over the next few years, Jackie worked as a stuntman, but when the Hong Kong movie industry began to fail, he was forced to go to Australia to live with his parents. He worked in a restaurant and on a construction site. It was there that he got the name "Jackie." A worker named Jack had trouble pronouncing "Kong-sang" and started calling Jackie "little Jack." That soon became “Jackie” and the name stuck.

Jackie was very unhappy in Australia. The construction work was difficult and boring. Willie Chan worked in the Hong Kong movie industry and was looking for someone to star in a new movie being made by Lo Wei, a famous Hong Kong producer/director. Willie had seen Jackie at work as a stuntman and had been impressed. Jackie called Willie and they talk. Jackie didn't know it but Willie would end up becoming his best friend and manager. Soon Jackie was on his way back to Hong Kong to star in "New Fist of Fury." It was 1976 and Jackie Chan was 21 years old.

Once Jackie go back to Hong Kong, Willie Chan took control over Jackie's career. To this day Jackie is quick to point out that he success to Willie. However, the movies that Jackie made for Lo Wei were not very successful. The problem was that Jackie's talents were not being used properly. It was only when Jackie was able to contribute his own ideas that he became a star. He brought humor to martial arts movies; his first success was "Snake in Eagle's Shadow." This was followed by "Drunken Master" (another blockbuster) and Jackie's first ever directing job, "Fearless Hyena."

Jackie was become a successfull in Asia. Unfortunately, it would be many years before the same could be said of his popularity in America. After a series of lukewarm receptions in the U.S., mostly due to miscasting, Jackie left the States and focused his attention on making movies in Hong Kong. It would be 10 years before he returned to make Rumble in the Bronx, the movie that introduced Jackie to American audiences and secured him a place in their hearts (and their box office). Rumble was followed by the Rush Hour and Shanghai Noon series which put Jackie on the Hollywood A List.

Despite his Hollywood successes, Jackie became frustrated by the lack of varied roles for Asian actors and his own inability to control certain aspects of the filming in America. He continued to try, however, making The Tuxedo, The Medallion, and Around the World in 80 Days, none of which was the blockbuster that Rush Hour or Shanghai Noon has been.

Jackie's lifelong devotion to fitness has served him well . In recent years, Jackie's focus has shifted and he is trying new genres of film fantasy, drama, romance and is spending more and more time on his charity work. He takes his work as Ambassador for UNICEF/UNAIDS very seriously and spends all his spare time working tirelessly for children, the elderly, and those in need. He continues to make films in Hong Kong, including the blockbuster drama New Police Story in 2004.

Jackie has been married to Lin Feng-Jiao since 1982 and has a son, actor-singer Jaycee Chan.

Film List
  • Kung Fu Panda : The Kaboom Of Doom (2011)
  • Flying Duck (2010)
  • Chinese Zodiac (2010)
  • Shaolin (2010)
  • The Karate Kids (2010)
  • The Spy Next Door (2010)
  • Little Big Soldier (2010)
  • The Founding of a Republic (2009)
  • Looking for Jackie (2009)
  • Shinjuku Accidents(2009)
  • The Forbidden Kingom (2008)
  • Kung Fu Panda (2008)
  • Rush Hour 3 (2007)
  • Rob-B-Hood (2006) (Original Working Title, Project BB)
  • The Myth (2005)
  • New Police Story (2004)
  • The Twins Effect 2 (2004) (also known as The Huadu Chronicles: Blade of the Rose)
  • Around the World in 80 Days (2004)
  • The Medallion (2003)
  • The Twins Effect (2003)
  • Shanghai Knights (2003)
  • The Tuxedo (2002)
  • Rush Hour 2 (2001)
  • The Accidental Spy (2001)
  • Shanghai Noon (2000)
  • The King of Comedy (1999)
  • Gorgeous (1999)
  • Who Am I? (1999)
  • Rush Hour (1998)
  • Mr. Nice Guy (1998)
  • An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn (1997) (Cameo)
  • Police Story 4: First Strike (1996) (also known as Jackie Chan's First Strike)
  • Thunderbolt (1995) (also known as Dead Heat)
  • Rumble in the Bronx (1994)
  • Drunken Master II (1994) (known in the U.S. as The Legend of Drunken Master, 2000)
  • Once a Cop (1993), aka Supercop 2 and Police Story V
  • Crime Story (1993), also known as Police Story IV and The New Police Story
  • City Hunter (1993)
  • Police Story 3 (1992) aka Super Cop
  • A Kid from Tibet (1991)
  • Island of Fire (1991) (also known as The Burning Island)
  • Twin Dragons (1991) (also known as Brother vs. Brother and When Dragons Collide)
  • Armour of God II: Operation Condor (1990)
  • Miracles (1989) (also known as The Canton Godfather' and 'Black Dragon')
  • Police Story 2 (1988)
  • 3 Brothers and one sister (Closed relationship) (1988)
  • Project A Part II (1987), (also known as Jackie Chan's Project A2, Project B)
  • Dragons Forever (1987)
  • Dirty Boys (1986) (also known as Naughty Boys)
  • Armour of God (1986)
  • Police Story (1985)
  • Heart of Dragon (1985)
  • Ninja and the Thief (1985) (also known as Ninja Thunderbolt)
  • The Protector (1985)
  • Twinkle, Twinkle Lucky Stars (1985) (also known as My Lucky Stars 2)
  • My Lucky Stars (1985)
  • Wheels on Meals (1984)
  • Dragon Attack (1984)
  • Pom Pom (1984) (also known as Motorcycle Cop 2)
  • Two in a Black Belt (1984)
  • Cannonball Run II (1983)
  • The Fearless Hyena Part II (1983)
  • Winners and Sinners (1983) (also known as Five Lucky Stars)
  • Project A (also known as Jackie Chan's Project A) (1983)
  • Dragon Lord (1982)
  • Black Magic Wars (1982)
  • Fantasy Mission Force (1982)
  • The Cannonball Run (1981)
  • The Big Brawl (1980)
  • The Young Master (1980)
  • Dragon Fist (1979)
  • Fearless Hyena (1979)
  • Snake & Crane Arts of Shaolin (1978)
  • Snake in the Eagle's Shadow (1978)
  • Spiritual Kung-Fu (1978) (also known as Karate Ghostbuster)
  • Drunken Master (1978)
  • Magnificent Bodyguards (1978)
  • Half a Loaf of Kung Fu (1978)
  • The 36 Crazy Fists (1977)
  • To Kill with Intrigue (1977)
  • The Killer Meteors (1976)
  • Shaolin Chamber of Death (1976) (also known as 36 Wooden Men, Shaolin Wooden Men, Shaolin Wooden Men - Young Tiger's Revenge, Wooden Man)
  • Countdown in Kung Fu (1976)
  • New Fist of Fury (1976)
  • Mr. Boo 2 : The Private Eyes (1976)
  • All in the Family (1975)
  • No End of Surprises (1975)
  • Master with Cracked Fingers (1974)
  • Fists of the Double K (1974)
  • The Golden Lotus (1974)
  • Police Woman (1974)
  • Supermen Against the Orient (1974)
  • Facets of Love (1973)
  • Eagle Shadow Fist (1973)
  • Attack of the Kung Fu Girls (1973)
  • Enter the Dragon (1973) (
  • Lady Kung Fu (1972)
  • Bruce Lee and I (1972)
  • Little Tiger of Canton (1971)
  • Come Drink with Me (1966)
  • The Story of Qin Xianglian (1964)
  • Big and Little Wong Tin Bar (1962)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

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Do your work long hours or have a non stop schedule?If you are a students,a bussines travel or have a busy life that keep you on the go day in and day out,Air Optix Night & Day lenses may be right for you.This lenses designed for napping and slepping.This lenses also approved by FDA for up to 30 night wears.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Something About Me.....

Hi…Do you want to know something about me?? Ok…I will tell u and u can read only here.My full name is Norhayati binti Osman.But u can called me Hayati,Yati or Yatie pinky?Why Yatie Pinky? Because i like pink colour.I have a lot of my things is pink colour.Such as my watch,handphone,purse,clothes and my bags. My bedroom also full accessory of pink colour.Some people think pink color only for kids or gurley girl.But I don’t think so.Because i’m not gurley girl.I think i look more sweet if i drees-up with clothes of pink colour.In my opinion pink is soft colour and give me peace of mind.Pink colour also match with my soul and my personality because i’m the cute and polite girl.So do you think i’m the cute and polite girl?Maybe my friend disagree with my statement.It’s okay.I don’t know what the first impression other people look into my self.Some people think i’m was the arrogant and quite person.But i’m not like that.Anyone whose close with me will know how my attitude.Actually i’m a friendly,talkative and happy go lucky person.If u want to know i also the simple person and like low profile life. Sometime i was fussy and emotional person .But I try to controle my self.

I was born on 14th October 1989 at Hospital Daerah Raub,Pahang.I’m the first children in my sibling.Since i born untill 6 years old i grew up at Kuala Lumpur.But start standard one untill i continue my bachelor at UiTM I grew up in Shah Alam.So, did 14th years i leave in Shah Alam.Sometime i’m so bored leave in Shah Alam.I get my first education at Sek Keb TUDM Subang.My secondary school at Sek Men Keb TTDI Jaya.Since i standard one untill standard 6 i study at the same school.Since i form 1untill form 6 i also study at the same school.So,i never have a any experience move to another school.Finally I have a new experience get a new friends and try suitable with a new environment when I continued my study at UiTM,Shah Alam.
My father was an airforce.But now my father already retired.Actually my father want me or one of my siblings to be like him.But I really not interested.Before this I never think in my mind to be like my father.Never…If you want to know i don’t like marching and i also dont know how to marching.So,how i will be like my father?So,impossible I will be like my father okey.I also did’nt got a offered for PLKN.I was so thankfull.I don’t know how to express my feeling if I got offered for PLKN.But my mom ever said i can get married with pilot if i to be air force or stewardess in air force.I’m just laugh with my mom opinion.I not consider my mom will think like that because i never think like my mom.My younger brother now study at Royal Military College.He get a good result in PMR.So,he was one of selected student to continued study at RMC.All my family proud of him.Because not all student get a this oppurtinity to study at RMC.Because RMC one of the best school in Malaysia.In Malaysia have only one military college So,I really proud of my brother and will give his full supported.I hope he will follow like my father.He want to be a pilot.I hope his dream will be come true.Me and my family will pray for him.

My mother is a teacher at primary school,Sek Keb TUDM Subang.So,my mom ever teach and to be my teacher.My ambition is to be a teacher or lecturer.Actually i want to be like my mom.My mom also give fully supported to me.The first time i ride on aeroplane when i was childhood i want to be a stewardess in MAS .But my parents not give a permission. Never mind…

When i have a free time I like listening to music and reading novel.I ever cry when I read the novel because I really concentrate when I read and I think i’m the heroes in the story of novel.I take so long time to finished one novel.I also like go to travel and shopping with my family or my friends.


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